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Good grief, Mr. T!
Is that really so? Absolutely f'nly unbelieveable. It means every kit build is at least $5-10K under taxed? What rate per work hour? MY hours taxed to MYSELF?
Is any gain on the resale above cost basis also taxed? Do i get a rebate on the prior taxed work? Or do i pay an additional tax on the taxed value of the work?
Did i ask that correctly? Sheesh!
i don't even want to think about this mess. It is too complicated and contradictory for words.
Thank goodness we can still vote with our feet.
As Horace Greeley said, "mon back boys; i was only kidding about that 'go west, young man... go west" thingy.
Historical note:
(Actually that quote, "Go west, young man...", was first written by an Indiana editor, John Soule, but Greeley gets the attribution because he wrote on a bigger paper, New York Tribune, 1841 or so, which he founded as editor around 1833. Few folks know that Greeley also employed Karl Marx, [the real one and not the lost Marx brother], as a european correspondent in 1850 for a while. Greeley was the democratic party candidate for president in 1872, but lost to US Grant, the incumbent. Horace died in a sanitorium less than a month later. It has frequently been wispered that Karl Rowe arranged his demise with his time machine, but Rowe refuses to deny the story. Certain typewritten papers have been discovered regarding Rowe's hand in this, but there is some discussion amongst experts about the historical availabiliity of that particular typeface or font being available on the IBM Selectric at that time.)
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
George Washington
Last edited by What'saCobra?; 06-20-2005 at 06:18 PM..