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Street Racing in PHX?
My teen daughter was telling us stories last night about how they have a big Fast -n- Furious crowd here in PHX and how they gather for street races. Supposedly they start some place downtown. But when the cops come (the racers do the whole police scanner thing), all the racers go out to Pinnacle Peak and Cave Creek to finish for the night.
She said there was some big attempted bust recently with police vans appearing out of the desert. This was trying to bust the Pinnacle/Cave Creek crowd.
Anybody heard of this or is it typical teenage exaggeration? I vote for the latter but I really shouldn't get a vote since I'm a newbie.
(btw - this question is out of curiosity only. I'm not interested in going to "Race Wars" or anything.)
Last edited by Wolverine; 06-21-2005 at 10:07 AM..