Good luck at the car show. I haven't made one yet this year, but may try for the Weaverville one. I have mowed the yards this morning and was going to take the 69 Cobra out for a drive but it suddenly got very dark and cloudy. However now I see the clouds have moved on and I may get it out in a little while and drive it for a while. Most of the car shows I go to around here, if there is a Cobra it will get more attention than the other cars. They don't win much though as most of our smaller shows are all club sponsored and they make sure their members cars win. I just go to look at the cars and talk to the people as I enjoy seeing the work that has gone into the restoration of some of the cars.
You would have a blast on all of the great mountain roads around here and Southern Oregon and the nice thing is I can drive to Portland in a few hours. I love the costal highways that follow the old stage coach routes as they wind all over the canyons. You drive 70 miles to actually get 40 if it were straight. Example, Weaverville is 58 miles from Redding via the highway. If you could go straight it would be 32 miles. But great secenry along the river and watching the people with their gold dredges.