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Old 06-22-2005, 07:01 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
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me and my hubby, 20 years in September. hmmm. yes, tru, 25 is silver. If she doesn't already have a nice silver charm bracelet, get one, and if you aren't at the last minute, give her a few charms to get started. James Avery is a really nice silver jewelry store. A charm with a heart, and anniversary date on it..... the two boys heads (silver charm heads with birthdates on them)...

hmmm. Mine is gold, got it a long time ago... I have an apple on it (teacher) I have a little whale tail charm from our honeymoon to hawaii.... all kinds..... Anyway, just a suggestion of something sentimental, silver, and not just more knickknacks lying around....

Of course, money backed by silver certificates is always good....
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