Pre-arranged by God! I was single and in a dead end computer job and through a series of odd happenings I was offered a job here in Brawley in June 1998. Met Jenny a few months later and now we will celebrating FIVE years this December. Time has gone fast and I would say it still feels like a honeymoon but our 3 year old reminds me it is not! I wouldn't trade how things worked out for anything.
Kristen, sorry for the loss of your friends dad.
Ron, pictures from vacation certainly! Sorry about the double post on the New River. The internet was all goofy (sorry for the highly technical terms) and dropped off right after I posted. When things were supposedly working the post wasn't there so I posted again. Now they are both there.
Also Kristen. There IS nothing better than Wisconsin. If any of you like water parks and are up that way, check out Wisconsin Dells. The whole town is a water park! And less you naysayers think water park and Wisconsin winters don't go together, the hotels there have the parks indoors including one 4 story waterslide.