Thread: Pro-Systems
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Old 06-26-2005, 08:50 AM
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The best thing to do is be realistic on what your goals are with your program.

For example in our SCCA Trans Am series carburetors we have versions that get better fuel mileage for less fuel burn and weight percentage loss as the race progresses.

Although the wide open throttle program will still make great power, the improved part throttle fuel economy program does affect instantaneous throttle response. However, the reduced fuel burn keeps the chassis settings/percentages more consistent as the race continues and the car doesn't get loose as the race continues.

We used this design concept to complete a whole race in the SCCA series without a fuel pitstop (they had recently introduced a reduced fuel cell size in order to mandate pitstops). The rest of the field was required to pit for fuel, we were not (this drove the tech guys crazy looking for a hidden fuel tank, which did not exist), this minor loss in throttle response gave us a major advantage in passing by the "fuel can guy". So thats what you want to do, is weigh your options. You can get mean with the response and lose some fuel mileage or you can lay it back and get better cruise mileage at a slight loss in throttle response.

If you want the horses to run, you gotta feed 'em hay. : )
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