mispellings and grammar errors. Yeah, right! It was 1:30 in the morning, I was on a POS wireless computer in the HILTON in CHICAGO!!! About six keys didn't work, including apostrophe, delete, capitals (right side), periods, sometimes, dashes, not a one...... so. Trularin. glad YOU made it home. You know my flight from Columbus at 7:11? Finally pushed off about 9.

missed all flights to Dallas, and spent $189 (!!!) for a few hours in the hilton at the airport!! More than the entire weekend in London. The last 24 hours were surreal. Well, I took a nap for the last one. Finally got home at 3:30 this afternoon. Unbelievable!!!! Had to stop at an ATM in the airport to get cash for the airport parking!
Way, way, way fun!! I'll be back....... (London, that is)
will post photos after I go to softball tonight.