Such foul language from you. You should not even consider selling the replica. I mean why would you. Even in failing health. When I got really, really sick once. My wife asked If I needed anything. I said "yea baby, help me out to the garage"
I just needed a little look see at the monster. That was the turning point. And hey, If we can find a place in North Oregon and we are seriously looking, I'll come down and take you for a spin. I'll even help with the clean up when we are done. I mean you should never ride your car hard and put it up "wet"
Tru and Kristen,
I would love to have gone to London. I hope to make that trip one year. I was planning to go one year as we were going to be in Dayton and Kettering that very weekend. Plans were changed though.
Glad you are back. Do you have any friends that have tuner cars? I am working on something for those types of cars. I have some real nice new go fast parts.