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The Windy City Cobra Club recommends Corbelt champagne for the first burnout. We had a little celebration when we got to Columbus. The cobra just got done 2 days before we left on Thursday. I was told do a burn out or else. So I popped the bottle took a few swigs...then they poured some on my rear tires and told me to hit it! Thats the story and I'm sticking to it!!!
I have the standard BDR suspension. whatever that is. That was done in first gear.
"It appears from the picture here the driver (Sid?) is correcting by turning the front wheels slightly to the right to compensate for the rear end trying to come around. THAT to is a sign that indeed BOTH rear tires have equal traction (for some reason)! "
If you look in my gallery there should be a pic with the finished burn out. you will see the tire marks start going to the left. When the weight transfered the the rear the front was really light. I tired to keep it straight but the front did not have enough tire on the ground to stay in control. it started to get away from me a little so I lifted.
T.S.B. of The West Side Cobra Club
Last edited by got snake?; 07-01-2005 at 11:18 AM..