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Old 07-05-2005, 02:10 AM
Trevor Legate Trevor Legate is offline
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What I still find unbelievable is that the guy who made certain that no race would take place, Max Moseley, has now slapped a potential fine on the 7 teams for 'failing to start the race'. How the hell could they????
If I was an F1 team manager I know where I would insert my fine - in loose change.
And how about fining Ferrari for not providing a race and running the cars to team orders? As soon as Schu almost took Rubens out, the cars suddenly dropped their pace by around 2 seconds a lap and cruised to the flag, even though the mighty Rubens said he would be racing to the finish. Yeah, nice one Rube - yet again. (I thought team orders had been made illegal?? Oh, sorry, illegal for 9 teams)
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