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Heres the story.
We were leaving Heber and I told everyone that if I lag behind not to worry. I was going to putt home. Figured I would just enjoy the drive without having to worry about keeping up.
Somehow I ended up leading. Now everyone knows that I have been banned from leading. Why they continue to insist I lead is beyond me.
So here we go... keeping to the speed limit. well as close as we could.
We are on this long downhill section of the road. About 1.5 miles into it. a truck pulling a boat trailer comes into view. We just pass a speedlimit sign that says 55MPH. I'm doing my usual 80. I pass the truck and lo and behold there is a DPS car sitting on the same side of the road I'm on. Oh crap. I have to slow down just to gets between him and the truck.
Now the rest of the gang is behind me. They see the officer at the same time as I do. However, the officer is fixated on me and they all slide into the left lane and slow down.
I look inrto my mirror and start to pull over going damn damn. Ginny says your going to jail, when you get out give me the keys.
I step out of the car to meet the man behind my car. About this time the rest of the gang goes by... Guess what they are waving. I get no respect.
The officer asks for the usual paperwork. Now it takes me time to get the correct dates as I have all old and new paperwork in the car. Ginny is laughing. She says later get rid of the old stuff. By the time I get my stuff in order the man is writing and writing. I do sneak a peek at the paper and breathe a sigh of relief. It is just a warning. This is a good thing as speeding 20 MPH over the posted is considered a felony.
The officer tells me has has clocked me at 75 MPH. I say oh I thiught when I looked down I was doing 60. Then I say OK. He says even 60 is over the limit of 55. i figure he is going to rip up the warning and go for the jugular.
Nope, I sign the paper and just before I leave he again looks at my plate and says.. That says it all. My plate frame says...
I again expect him to take his paper work back.
We head out. The gang has finally pulled over about 30 miles down the road and they are laughing, rolling on the ground with glee. I walk up to them with my hands behind my back simulating handcuffs.
We all agreed I took one for the group.
The weekend was still great.