Thread: Ignore (EOM)
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Old 07-12-2005, 02:22 PM
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Redding has no place like that. When I used to live down at Fresno, they had them but not up here. I just now got up as I was going to try to mow that upper lot and when I got to the shed to get the mower, my back was hurting and I got really weak and then sick. Had to sit on the ground for a minute or so and finally got back in the house and took some of my nerve medicine. That was at about 8:20 AM. I got to bed and laid down and just now woke up or regained counscious, whichever and it is 1:15 PM. I have called three places that advertise lawn work and none of them want to mess with just mowing. They all want to install sprinkler systems and do landscaping. I am going to call the city and tell Jeff that I just can't mow it right now and see if he knows any kids that might want to do it. And it isn't even hot today yet. Just barely over the 100 mark right now. I think those heat strokes took to much out of me for a while.


I need beach front property with nothing but sand.
Ron 61
Ronnie Widener

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