I could almost guarantee you that if i were in your bathroom more than 10 minutes I would manage to drop something or knock it off a shelf and crack at least two tiles.
Yes, we have your darn heat. Has been 111/114 the last two days with the normal humidity. Even the Comet sweats and it is under the car port out of the direct sun. Neighbor went fishing with his girl friend yesteday and said it was really hot even up in the canyons on the lake and the fish would not come out of the water at all. I proposeda huge thermal blanket to keep the heat down in your area and even our people here didn't think that was a bad idea.
I kind of like one of Albert Einsteins (spelling) lines. I know not what weapons World War 3 will be fought with but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
When Steve moves to Oregon, he will be close enough that I will try to go up to meet him and get aquainted. Just a 12 hour plane flight from here.