hello. 'cropped' (scrapbooking) til about 1. played on computer til 2. hubby called at 1:45 that he wasn't gonna come home. hmmm. guess that's 'smart' enough. Looked out just a bit ago. his car is home. guess he's 'napping' on the sofa in the workshop. guess he doesn't know a few croppers are coming back over at 9 to finish up! hahahah. that'll be a jolt... bunch of ladies laughing and cutting up.....
tru. sorry that it didn't work out for erich to play for pepsi. What are his options, now??
gotta go make a pot of coffee. I'm beat!
Steve. we're gonna miss you down here! I read all your thread in the nw forum. I'm trying to get my brother 'hooked up' with some of the activities going on in the Seattle area- so have been looking at the events there. saw your thread. Funny thing, he'll probably move down here. He is missing our family.