Sunday morning starting off as a normal day for me. Back hurt all night so not much sleep. Decided to give my little dogs a much needed bath. Gave Teddy his and started to use the sprayer to wash the shampoo offand the darn end flew off. Still can't figure out just what holds it together as it seems there is no screws or clamps. Now when the hardware store opens I have to go see if they have a new one in stock that will work with those old faucets. I think I changed that one once before but can't remember. It will really kill my back as I will have to lay under the sink in the cabinet and of course it has a board across the front that is about 1/2" high and hits right on the two vertebrae that are slipped. I do not feel like doing anything but laying down and this last week of 118/112 temperatures with humidity has really got me where I don't even want to move. Darn, Tru, I am starting to miss the rain. I am missing anything that is below 100 degrees. Don't want to have to call a plumber to fix this sink as I hate to pay $175 dollars for a 5 minute job.