passing by again..... 11:45 pm. tru's asleep. earl probably is too. ron. yup. brent, mikez, nah, probably not.
young mike doesn't stop by here much; but I bet he isn't asleep, either.
Big day. Dusted pepe off around 7, and took our friend from georgia for a little ride.....

his best sentence was " are we going up on the highway????

???" it was the way he said it.....
felt really good getting back in.... the 'season' will be here before you know it.... there is a track event the middle or end of september. here I come!!!! speedo working, and new tires..... yippeee!!!! It is so hot. I'm sitting here with a sticky neck, humid, and even inside it's hot. we've been sitting OUTSIDE even, (a small break in the temp; only 97 or so) probably too hot for the mosquitos! Haven't even TOUCHED pepe since rolling off trailer from tulsa. didn't wash the windshield, but at least the car has the first layer of dust off. now needs a real bath, with soap and all. then of course the pipes. hmmmm.
my paint job on the tires looks like $h!t. still. they did back then, and they do now. the left (driver's) side isn't too bad. probably won't redo them. the right side. ugh. the 'oily' residue really messed up the acrylic paint. badly. It's all bubbly and peeling off. just can't redo those letters in this heat. maybe next winter!
I'm missing Ohio. I'm really missing June. It was a really fun month for me.
Maybe October...... the dallas group (of Scat- Shelby cobra assoc. of Texas--- not Dallas group of the texas cobra club) is talking about going to the shelby museum in colorado in the fall. bus ride. gross. up on a friday. see the museum on sat. bus ride back home on sunday. might go just for the change of scenery. but not if it is THE track day!
I hate sweating like this. no perspiration here, earl. sweat. ugh.
tru. I am hoping and planning on going to ohio next year. truck and car tho'. I bet bernie can't make it but every few years. dunno. I'd like to go to a run and gun. wanna go?? this year it is in august. no way for me. but maybe another one sometime. and, going to ohio without a car wasn't too bad. pretty good, actually, except for the little fiasco of the night in chicago. which really wasn't all bad, either, just totally not planned. I still remember my delirium of the keyboard not working. boy was I frustrated!
I think 'el gecko's' wife is gonna come see me in a couple of weeks. el gecko lives in amarillo, and he's wanting to convince his wife the cobra is the thing to get. well, he made it to the dallas groups july meet, but he can't come to the august one. His wife's son lives just a little way away from me, so she's gonna come to dallas, and ride with me to the breakfast meet. cool, huh?? I better do good, and make 'the sale'!!!!
amarillo is about 7-8 hours away from dallas. she'll arrive in Garland around 1 am, and then be at my house at 6:45 am to leave for the meet. not much sleep time in between there!
you guys are too boring. why don't ya'll chat with me???
need a 900 #???

anyway, I AM doing my moderator duties; I'm not shirking nuttin. got ya'll to quit talking about guns, didn't I?? somebody come play with me!
