Right now we have a narrow window of breathable weather each day. From about 3:30 AM to around 4 AM when it starts to heat back up. I looked this morning and it was all the way down to around 74. Lowest I have seen it in two weeks. Can't wait for the week end as it is supposed to just get to the 100 mark and not a lot of humidity. Boy, do I ever pray that is going to happen. Just 100 and not much humidity will feellike Fall here. I go to bed around 8:30 our time, but lay in bed and watch TV most of the afternoons now as it is to hot to move. Water bed, crap. My next bed is giong to be referigerated. Try to get an air conditioner repairman around here right now. And I have a contract with my company.

Hey, add a loud bell to your computer and I will be happy to wake you up when I get up.
Kristen changed her tag line some time ago. Most knew what she meant but we still got some good digs in about it. Now if she lived out here anywhere within 450 miles of Berkley, she would have to change it.