Hey, why should we both be miserable. Since you are so much younger than I am and can take this stuff a lot easier, if we could concentrate it all in that one area, just think how nice all the rest of the state would be.
Sounds as if you have picked a good gun to get. I have got to get back over to the range and shoot again as I still have one free pass. And they are air conditioned. Don't worry about CG. I used to have 7 guns and am down to two now. But I am looking at a smaller one for a carry weapon as the 9 MM is a little big to wear when I am in the Cobra seats as they are so darned closed in. Maybe a 50 calibur that I can mount to the car. I was actually looking at a S&W Sigma in my NRA Magazine this morning that is only a little larger than the palm of my hand and fires both 9 MM and .40 cal. ammo. I think they have some of them over at the range and if so, I am going to try one out and see how I like it.