Just back from the range. They have a couple of really nice S&W small .40s over there and you can get the laser site too. Next time I go back if Jeff is there I am going to try out a few of them and see which I like. My shooting was horrible. I have to start doing it more than twice a year and on top of that with my nerves when I run the target out to 125 feet I can no longer get any kind of shot pattern. In fact I just try to hit the target. My hands shake so much that to hold the gun steady and squeeze the trigger slowly is almost impossible. More practice would help, but nothing is going to do away with these nerves. At the 7 to 30 foot range I am not to bad. I decided to quit trying for a shot pattern and just shoot to disable the guy. I used a SWAT target with a man behind a woman and he had a knife at her throat. Once I got her head blown off and out of the way, I really messed him up. But seriously, I am going to have to start going over at least once a month and shooting. They have a good collection of guns there that yo can look at and go fire, so that makes it nice. They had a really nice little 4 shot 38 there with a laser site, but I want something with some stopping power if I ever have to use it. I carry a 15 round clip in my 9 MM that is a mixture of police penetrating rounds, hydra shock, and a couple of silver tips for maximum damage. The other clip I just put mostly ball ammo in except for a few hydra shocks. Any recommendations? I mostly want a small gun that is easy to hide when in the Cobra. When hiking the 9 MM and others are ok as I want range and power.