I am gonna scrapbook from 9 am til 10 pm. I hope. I think. I'm gonna!
I am bored. restless. No, not bored. what is it? I've never been bored. But there is a difference between 'bored' and too much junk to do. This school project is moving along. Due next Friday, then on the the next one.
my hubby is getting on my nerves.
although he did bring me my cup of coffee a few minutes ago....
#1 son is 'freshman class president', and went with the freshmen to a Ranger's game last night. School sponsored, back to school get together with old friends, incoming new friends. Nobody wanted to be class pres. Not one person ran.

. So, his English teacher asked him if he'd do it.... so here we are. I'm sure he (me) will have to help with homecoming, etc.
oh well.
#2 son is in football day camp this week. Ends today. not too bad. He is going with a friend this weekend for a mini trip. Good.
girls. hmmm. #1 girl did a friends' VBS this week. That's done. #2 was supposed to do ballet camp, but it didn't come together. good. Next week, nothing going on. Guess we'll go to uniform store, and also get school shoes. All 4 got haircuts this week.
I was bored on the computer last night, you ought to go find some of my posts....