Maybe I can arrange for you to have some more mosquitoes. We don't have hardly any, but they say that over in the canyons they are really bad in places. One big fan pointed down the canyon should do it.
As for the dog barking thing, I don't ever hear that dog except when there is something going on. But I don't know if it is the bark control or the neighbor's threats that have brought this about. As for Seaside, Oregon, that isn't where Larry lives and Mary said she didn't know much about it as they live well inland. I pulled up a map of it and it is 486 miles from here. The map showed the easy way to get there from here is to go to Portland and then across. I believe it gave about 8 hours driving time, but that seems long to me as I drove to Ft. Lewis, Washington when I was there in almost that time. Also I could go over to the coast and take 101 right up to it. Looks and sounds like a nice place. I didn't see any rain fall figures for it, so some of the guys from up there will have to fillin all the blanks. Maybe even some ship wrecks off shore that can beexplored. I really love doing that type of stuff with old mines, tunnels, caves, or wrecks.