The car is a Nissan EsCargo van. They were made for the Japanese delivery market. There are not a lot of them in Australia. EsCargo is a play on the French word for snail!!!
They are powered by a 1600 Nissan motor and have a 3 speed auto behind them. I have driven it over to Melbourne for a promotional day (500) and it drove comfortably at 120km/h (65 - 70mph).
We do not do deliveries in it. It's basically parked all around town as a mobile billboard. We often do 'Find the MCVAN' segments on radio where people ring in and tell the announcer where the MCVAN is parked. They win all types of vouchers and other give aways.
It is very populaer with kids and I often use it in parades, school fetes, markets, etc.
The store in on a roundabout with three major highways meeting right at the front. Our sales volumn would not allow time or the ability to deliver. This is good!!!
WE have a lot of big buses/coaches parking nearby. Additionally we are popular with the truck guys. So I need to make sure I do not leave it about, as it will be run over..
Cold and wet here at 14c (58f). Guess it is the middle of winter. Sounds like great weather there - rub it in eh..

out driving in the sun I guess...