I am not sure how long the prints will last, but the guarantee on mine is 75 years. I put them on CDs and DVDs also just in case so I can make a new print if I want. I have some 8 X 10s that I have had hanging in the garage for over 8 years and the only thig that has bothered them is the ones I didn't put in glass covered framers have faded from what I expect is heavy dosages of exhaust fumes. I just received an e-mail from the factory that the newest printer will make prints that will retain all color and such for 100+ years. I just don't want to hang around that long to make sure. I like my cheap camera because it is small and easy to carry. I have some very expensive Nikons and lens and hate to use them as I have to carry a ton of crap in camera bags and then have the film developed. For a film camera I used a small Pentax 99% of the time as I could carry it in my pocket. If I ever get another digital camera, it will be a small one also as I don't care about the long range lens and such any more. Anything above 200MM and I neeed the tripod so that is something else to lug around.
Buy #1 Son his own computer. That will help. Hope the girls rashes aren't anything that will take long to get cleared up. If they were out here I would say they had heat rash. It is quite common around here right now.