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New balance here are about $65-70 for the cheap ones
I just can't see it. I could spend $25-30 and get three new pair for what one pair cost. I doesn 't make sense to me. I am just going to get them dirty anyway.
Carrie and I were at Target one day and they had some close outs going on. I bought 6 pair of descent tennis shoes (yes pairs) for $2.88 for each pair. I wear them all the time. I have only worn one pair so far and they have lasted about 10 months. They still look real good and they are very comfy. I can't even tell you the name brand.
We bought all they had of every size. The ones that fit us we kept the others we gave to the church. They were having a food and clothing drive. I think we donated something like 45-50 pair of tennies.