Thread: Ignore (EOM)
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  #4295 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2005, 06:09 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
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bummer, Earl! why no furneral or memorial service?

also, my AC guy says when it gets just soo hot, the AC just can't get it any cooler. Doesn't matter what the thermostat is set on. In fact, you may be spinning your wheels and spending more $$ setting the thermost. so low. Scoot it up to 72-74, and it will still say 80* in the house; just won't cost as much as trying to get it to 70*. Just my .02 cents worth.
In the interest of SAVING SPACE AND WORDS, I don't feel I explained that as succinctly as i would have liked! (My elec. bill will $816. this month; remember it was $1000. last! )

scrapbook day today. yea!

thanks, Bernie! I'll check the site out.
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