speaking of books. I wondered what the various responses would be...... I know you guys like a book.....

Everybody said just what I thought they'd say... except Steve hasn't chimed in.... he won't say anything to me on this topic. And, that's ok.
rubber dolls. hmmphhh. For me or him???
Trularin, you conveyed the feeling and tone and the wording, actually, to what I thought you would. You're a poet and didn't know it....
Fred. toys. Now from you I would expect lots more comment....
Ron. rubber dolls. still can't imagine that one....
Flip. No comment.
Earl is still in bed with his lovely, recovering from his 7&7's!!!
hmm. Bernie. must be 'sleeping on it' over on the other side of the world..... thinking of a proper answer....
oh well. enough of that! I told you if you stay up late and post with me you'll have all kinds of discussions. tonight,,,, hmmmm.... drugs..... (kidding, kidding)
gonna scrapbook just a wee bit more today.....
got about 8 pages done yesterday. Peter (who is now almost 15, is up to 9 months in his baby book. yea!!! )