hey, there... yeah, thanks for the info on the AC, Steve. I was just whining about the boring thing...

Probably if I put more of your suggestions in practice it would improve my electric bill. On the other hand, I have 2 meters, plus a utility light, so I get 3 bills for hmmm, roughly 8500 sq. ft. under roof. That includes the main house, workshop and guest house, and well, whatever. I know the AC is a big chunk of that, tho'. Just the lighting around here is a big piece of it. We have hmm, lets see.... 6 exterior AC units outside. It's a lot to manage, fer sur!!!

Also, you are soooo fun to kid about slightly 'off color' stuff, because I know you are a good person, and quite true and straight as an arrow. I'm just kidding you, because I know you.....

(btw. I am quite true, and straight as an arrow, too, but it gets so 'dead' around here, that a little spice on a forum that is 99.9% male, is just too much 'temptation' for me to pass up!!!

Generally, the lounge posts are quite clean and on the up and up. Now go over to the 'jokes' thread, and wow, some of them get really uh, 'hot'! I do read some of them, but I've never posted there. They are funny, but taken with the intention in which they are posted. I can 'kid' with Bernie, or whoever, because distance makes it work. Now I would never 'kid in that way' with you or Fred, or such, because we're just a little too close, familiarity could cause an uncomfortable situation..... That's why the 'pink thong' thing could just die off... fun for awhile, but time to move on..... Anyway, I could never actually wear one of those things- talk about uncomfortable!!!
ok. onto the pic with Ron. That's a fun pic, and is for now my desktop backdrop. Fun!
man, it's hot outside.

the girls want to skate but nooo way! too hot! They'd melt. oh yeah. I took some pics of them skating the other night. will post later.
I hope Peter is drinking a lot of water, and that he doesn't get heatstroke at camp. I worry about that.... I know the coaches are all very sensitive to that, with there having been a few heat related deaths at football practices the last couple of years, but you just want to be sure.
We had an 'Ozarka' water truck bring a dispenser and 4 big bottles of water today. The Dallas lake water is 'turning over' and tastes like dirt. groosss. my hubby decided we finally could go to bottled water. spring water. We'll see. A novel thing at our house always gets lots of attention. I was gonna scrapbook this afternoon, but think a few minutes of reading then a nap sounds good. It's already 3:30, so just a few minutes should do it.
seeya this evening!
ps. I moved over to the computer with dialup last night, so son could play his internet game, and gee, I could almost get a game of freecell in between every forum change. slow slow slow. We sure get used to broadband!