I'm here. I'm here. last post in the lounge....
08-01-2005 09:32 PM
so. I have posted on a couple of other threads. Just haven't had time to write that novel that everyone will have to ignore.... ugh.... bad joke....
anyway.... I was taking a look at the FFR spec racer for sale, by hmmm. BB347 or something like that..... If I didn't already have Pepe..... who knows?
Have been doing drudgery chores; cleaning out girls' drawers and closets, to sort and figure out what uniforms are needed for the school year. School starts on the 17th.
did the boys' closet, but not their drawers. Another time. Plus, the 'bug man' is coming in the morning, and gotta get the house all tidy, so he doesn't spray his bug juice on toys and things. everything is up on sofas, tables, counters, etc. big chore.
took the girls to a 'free trial run' gymnastics class tonight. Went to a different gym a couple of weeks ago. Deciding which one. Also deciding on if staying at one dance studio, or moving to another. Then of course piano will start back up, and scouts.....
Baby girl (almost 6!) should be starting Indian Princess this year. Lots to do!
Big guy came home from football camp. Looked pretty rough. letting him have computer time, so here I am, back on dialup. Not too bad. guess i need to get some cable/connector so I can hook the computer up to the broadband. this computer wasn't here when we got broadband, so didn't do it then. We had dialup when we moved here, so this computer is hooked up to that cheap line. $10 bucks a month; ok to keep it going.
Well, I guess this could be chapter one in the novel to ignore....

ps. Hey, Bernie. I wish I was on a plane with some cutie girls headed to the party for the weekend.....

or, better yet.... BY MYSELF!! I don't get much by myself time..... Just Sunday mornings when I don't go to church. Once school starts back up I'll have some quiet time. Seeya!
pss. I don't know what a 'shifter thingy' is!!!!!!