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Old 08-04-2005, 01:38 PM
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Stan & I and representitives from other car clubs met with the organizers early this year to look into coral parking and at that time it appeared that they really didn't have everything together in planning. Track layout and location changed a few times, I don't know what experiance these folks had but they definately need to consult with the organizers of other similar events to get their act together. Long Beach offers a number of ticketing options including single day grandstand. The prices are much better, the viewing is not obstructed and the track has some passing areas and a smooth(er) racing surface.

The corral fell through because of the way they structured the "offer". 3-day Silver passes ONLY at 20% off up to 100 tickets no corral parking just a group discount. At 100 tickets we would have received corral parking but the tickets would then lose the 20% discount (revert to FULL PRICE) AND they required a comitment that the cars would be at the event ALL three days AND the cars would have to get there by 7:00AM to park in the inner area of the track then they would not be able to leave until after the event wa over each day. A few Parade laps were to be offered ONLY to the "club" with the highest ticket sales (I haven't heard if anyone saw parade laps, did anyone notice?).

It appears that my choice to pass on attending and watch the 4:00PM reply on TV was a good decission.
I hope they really review this years event and make the needed changes for next year.

my 2cents,

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