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Old 08-10-2005, 07:29 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
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yes, Steve, I know. Gary would take the tires off, Susan repaint on the living room floor, once a year! He came over to my house, jacked up the car, took off the wheels, told me where to take the wheels to get the new tires mounted (he told me which tires, and where to buy them), came back, mounted them back on the car, safety wired, and took the car off the jacks. He goes above and beyond the call of duty- for a guy that sold his car.....
I try to thank him by doing other things--- bought him brand new tie downs for his trailer (he 'lent' me his when i went to Tulsa the first time- never gave them back-I've been to so many events with the trailer and still needed his tie downs!) - in the color and size of his choice, and bought the new stands, I have his old ones. He is a great guy, and Susan is terrific. She has been here several times to scrapbook. We have become friends. Anyway, What I would LIKE is for Susan to repaint MY TIRES for me.

I think she would do it.... I would pay her of course. It was very frustrating for me, because, yes, I did spend hours scrubbing the paint off. Hours repainting in the living room. I used the same paint, brush as Gary. He told me exactly what to buy, where. The PROBLEM is that I didn't do one little step correctly. I put that tire wet stuff on at the wrong time, and the acrylic paint doesn't stick to the oil in the tire wet. Simple error, but extremely costly in time, and really about broke my spirit on wanting the tires 'right'. I think I learned my lesson tho', and understand the proper procedure now. If I get them on stands, take them off, reletter, put them back, etc.... it will be done right!!!!

enough of that. I want my cake and eat it too. Pristine car, that is driven too.
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09
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