The trailer is GREAT. I think it is absolutely amazing how his car and your trailer practically FELL into my lap. Both excellent purchases. Excellent. Guess I owe James Baldwin for both.... he posted RIGHT HERE ON CLUB COBRA about them.
I think I'll order my quik lift today. And, go get a jack. Remember, they were my 'Christmas present' from LAST YEAR. Now where is David's visa card......

I need NEW pipes. Not just to repaint. There just aren't that many things the car needs. It is nice. I don't have the knowledge or the how to to fix anything. I don't want to fix anything. I'm GLAD the car doesn't need much. I would be very frustrated, and over my head. Speaking of which, I need to call Keith Craft and see if ERA has sent my oilcooler. I called in June, my card was charged 6/20, by no cooler. Called back to ERA a couple of weeks ago, and Peter remembered my call- went to look for my invoice, and to send it to KC in Plano. Rob should call me when it arrives, but maybe he forgot, or even ERA forgot again! I don't need the cooler that much for the little street driving, but..... the next track event is October..... and, they will do the tech inspect as well. The tranny will also need it's 500 mile breakin inspect, and of course the
oil change. oh yeah, also check for the clutch....

(drag strip practice run

gotta go. it's 9:15, and still in jammies! plumber is coming today, better be dressed!
good notice, Steve. I just changed it to cobra goddess a few minutes ago! That one just seems to fit.....

I guess I change it around when I get in a 'funk'.
the 'ask me about' was a private joke. not very funny to ya'll.... but I am sick sick sick of 'acquaintances' sending me stuff in the mail, emails, phone calls, seeing buttons on people at stores that say " ask me about --- Avon, or tupperware, or selling your home, or weight loss, or home decorating parties, or kitchen shows, or whatever." As 'a homemaker of the new millenium" I'm a target for home parties, and real estate brochures, and junk mail selling everything from encyclopedia's for the kids, to teeth whitening for us aging baby boomers who drink coffee and cola's and stain our teeth! On and on it goes....
so, 'ask me about' NOTHING! I say! I don't sell nuttin'.
I guess I could put.... 'ask me about .... my dogs!'