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No that is not true.
The way I see it if anyone at the California DMV said "no problem" that would be grounds for termination.
Also note that is the only issue noted in their policy that will cuase immediate termination. Everything else is considered exceptable. That's why when you go there it takes two hours for the cow in front of you at the service desk to help you.
Here in Texas the slowpoke syndrome is rampent at the DMV. Once my wife and I stood in line for over and hour and when we got to the counter for our renewal the FAT lady looked up and said "Did I call over here?", "I said, Did I call you over here?" "Listen, it is my breaktime and I don't want you standing there during my break so back up!"
We backed up (two steps) to the front of the line and this cow sat there for twenty five minuetes and looked around and did nothing, just sat there.
Then she said "It is plain to see you ain't leavin so get over here" We walked up and handed her our paperwork and she said "well now I have to go to the restroom" Another twenty minuetes before she got back. It was ridiculas.
She was the only one in the office.
When she came back I said " ma'm I am so very happy to see you made it, for a second there we thought you had fell in, I was just about to call an ambualnce to come rescure you"