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No dwell needed....
One advantage to using an electronic
ignition is that point dwell becomes meaningless. Popular electronic ignitions
like the MSD 6AL can be used with breaker
point type distributors. In those cases, the
points only act as a triggering source, the
actual "dwell" or saturation time of the coil
primary is determined by the module. Current draw across the points is minimal
so point life is more a question of mechanical wear than the contact button
life. So you can eliminate one set of points
and use the remaining one as a trigger
source. Of course, it would make sense
to use a "drop-in" magnetic trigger assembly like a Crane XR-I and be rid of
the points altogether.
Point type ignitions haven't been used
by OEM's for 30 years now as others have
mentioned and that's with good reason,
electronic systems are vastly superior.
If the "vintage" look is important, using
a "drop-in" conversion in a legacy distributor and mounting the module in
a hidden location should satisfy that.