Not Ranked
I am reading the board when it is too wet to work outside. I am 180 miles east of you.
Although you have no official function with your title, I feel you have done more for the club than any TCC member I know. I am happy that you are the FIRST Miss Texas Cobra Club. Now we face the dilemna of how your successor will be chosen. Personally, I feel you should nominate someone at the restaurant at the annual meeting and have that person voted on, as you were.
I know who I would pick, but that is not my choice. I feel like you will do the club well with your selection.
I was standing next to Donald Trump in Shreveport when they picked Miss USA here a few years ago. If I was his boss, i would fire him.
It's just fun to single someone out for all they do for our group. Keep the tradition alive and we will get you a CROWN and coke when we see you.
Last edited by Thomas Gayer; 02-27-2006 at 11:13 AM..