Most of the replicas 'steer' very well indeed, there is no comparison to ANY 'old car' thats note worthy. Best comparisons are made to TODAYS most advanced cars. The question is not: Does it handle\drive better than a Falcon?
The question is:
Does it handle\drive better than a NEW Vette?
The fact that the question is even worthy of debate provides the answer you seek!
Any decent replica Cobra will run in the mid to low 12's. Small or big block, these cars are mostly 'traction limited' rather than 'horse power' limited.
Best ride, comfort\handling would be an IRS. All though there is room for debate on that question as well, in general I'd say IRS is 'better'.
$60K should get you a very nice, very reliable, street friendly, looks terrific, rides nice and FAST as hell replica Cobra.
Buy mine for $45k right now!