Since the 'big crash' occurred many of the 'who is coming' etc. threads where lost. I thought I would start this one to answer general questions. Remember, just about everything you want to know is over on
I also started some specific threads once again under the Ohio Cobra Club fourm for items like Mid-Ohio, the raffle car, the motorcycle for London and for the event and raffle car flyers.
Mid-Ohio is 40% booked and is first come first serve so don't delay!!
Last time I checked we where over 115 cars registered for '06! In '04, that level was not reached until 48 days later, and that year London saw 300+ cars! 400 any one?
Remember, on May 15 registration for this year goes up $25 so don't delay!
Tell your friends, co-workers, relatives, who ever you can about the raffle car. Help us give $100,000.00 to CF this year. If we sell all 2500 tickets, that is what we are looking at doing! Print off a flyer and put one up!