"Never did a lost sheep have so many shepards"
Well, you would think I would get some kind of break in this mess. The red truck, the one that went to Texas, ate a differential Yoke and two seals. Then, while in the process of inspection by the mechanic, I found out the rear brakes were shot.
So, last night I did a rear brake job on the red truck. And, it only took four hours ( Isn't that a long time? ). Yes, folks, it truely sucked as the temp was dropping and I had it half in the barn and half out. Then there was a small challenge of getting the drums off which had been rusted to the axle. After torching them off, I found out they were $75.00 each ( you don't want to ask my wife about it

Anyway, I dropped over $400 on the rear end and another $200 on the rear brakes.
The plans are to work on the lift, when I get O K A Y weather and can afford to spend an hour doing it.
The cars and trucks are braking as fast as I fix them. THE RED TRUCK IS ALMOST NEW!
Okay, I'm done venting.