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If I wanted SEFI, ECU, and others of the like I would have bought the kits or sold my car and went to the local car dealership to buy a new Mustang. The point of me adding anything roller related to my engine is to reduce stress on the engine. If the roller lifters are prone to cause trouble in a 289, then I will not bother with them. The '69 heads are to replace the 1-289 head and 1-302 head that my motor acquired sometime before I got the car (this wasn't the only thing on my car that was half-a$$ done before I got it, there were several others). I have ditched the old ignition for a more modern (and more efficient) firing system (from ACCELL) which was fairly cheap to do, so are the roller parts and heads (the only real expensive part would be buying a $2-3000 fuel injection kit). Plus, I want stuff that I can do at my house w/o having to use a mechanic or any specialist.
If I wanted a more up to date performance engine, I would've bought a new 302 roller block and went from there, but I don't. By the way, I fully understand the advances that modern electronics and machining techniques have made. New engines last longer and are stronger, but better fuel economy is not always true in modern day cars.