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All engines have strokes, its apparent that there is lots of misinformation and just plain bull#*%@ regarding this subject. To make matters worse 385's have stroker characterists that are unique to 385's, so a compairison to FE's or stroked windsors are just plain not valid. Oh where to begin, lets take a curserary look. First off, there are stock 6.6 rod, 4.5 inch strokers in 385's out there that have over 200,000 miles on them. I know, because my father has built several such engines for dump trucks. So much for the unstreetability issue with strokers.
Next, a stroker does not require special heads to perform. This is because the valves are open longer during the longer stroke, ie- more air goes in and out. Of course better performance heads will always work better, but generally, better breathing heads are only required when you get displacment from boring or supercharging, not stroking. Relatively speaking, this is because large bore displaments crowd the valves in mid lift situations causing torque drops, were if you use stroke the valves are fully open longer relative to the stroke.
But everone knows that a undersquare engines can't rev, now don't we?
Wrong again buco, there is oversquare performance engines out there that can't hit 7g's- and racing undersquare engines that can push 12g's. Besides that, don't confuse hi rpm's with power, we have been somewhere else since the 70's. Very old school. My advice, select a engine builder with experience with 385's, do not adhear to standard hot rod book folklore. And this esp. true with 385's, because almost all of the develomental work done for this class of engines was done through the aftermarket, not the factory.
In a word, you can get allmost any level of streetable power from these engines. That don't mean that it's the smart thing to do however. Enough with the B.S.
Ron Shockley
Last edited by cobrashoch; 03-04-2006 at 01:25 PM..