Originally Posted by mylesdw
A 'quick' calculation shows that lightening the flywheel should have little effect on moving from rest. If you went from a 40lb to a 20lb flywheel you would need to raise your rpm by just 100rpm when moving from rest to have exactly the same energy stored in the rotating assembly. I doubt whether one would notice the difference.
My quick calc says the energy stored in a 45# flywheel clutch assembly at idle is about twice as much as a 2800# car (with driver) moving 5mph. Going from a 45# 11" assembly to a 18# 8.5" assembly will drop the stored energy by over 75%.
Yes, if you have 700gm pistons and 900gm rods with a 60# crank, you will still have quite a lump. However if you have 400gm pistons with 520gm rods and a 40# crank, it will be significant.
BTW, do you have a formula for calculating the inertia of the pistons and the rods?