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I read your post about the ‘motorcycle incident’. Yea, many that witnessed the event say the ugly lady on the back of the motorcycle was coming from a drag class. I am not sure if it was the classes that y’all teach or one put on by your competition.
So you got most of it right except for the biggest ‘vaboomas’ part. It is really the biggest,,, the biggest… the biggest ‘Bazooka’ you ever saw.
Many that witnessed the event say that’s what she used on my tire. Now I was never in the military so I do not know the technical difference between Bazookas and Rocket launchers; so I may be a little off (that’s an understatement).
I have, however, been to Algonquin so I do know the difference between Vabooms.
I hope that explains it all.
Ps: I have held all along that the report, by many that witnessed the event, stating that the ugly pistol packing mama’s actually used a flame thrower to be a total overstatement and exaggeration of the facts. Hope this clears it all up.