Wow, better start building the Ark. As of yesterday we were almost 20" above our normal for this time of year and the forecast is for one partly cloudy day in the next 5 days. Now if it isn't raining everyone wonders what is going to happen. In all my years here I have never seen a Winter like this and it shows no signs of quitting. And the first of the show and shines for the big april car shhow is Saturday, so it looks as if I won my argument that moving it to the first week of april was crazy. As for a month about driving the Cobra, I haven't even started mine in almost 5 months. Can't run it in the garage and no way am I going to pull it out and have it full of water in a couple of minutes. I think I had probably be ahead to change the
oil before I drive it even though that
oil has no mileage on it, but it has set so long I wonder.