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if you can get a fantastic deal on a used superformance chassis 1200 or higher I would go for it. They are impressive cars. I really stayed away from anything that was not turnkey minus, I am sure there are excellent "home" built cars but I have to assume I guy building hundreds of them would be a little bit more proficient and have some engineering designe to back up what they offer.
What happended with the venom was you had to search ebay for Venom, it got pulled from ebay once then the links from club cobra to ebay did not work so itf you were not looking for a venom you would have missed. In my opinion the car was easily worth 29K (and I am a cheap bastarddddd) with the auto, he even had a convetible top for it, custom made sidepipes, new fms crate engine etc. Sombody got a heck of a deal, did I mention it was already titled as a 64.