The time is here. It is amazing to find out that over a hundred Cobras of all makes, originals and reproductions ply the highways of Long Island, New York. Understandably so, Long Island has always been a hotbed of automobile enthusiasts, with a heritage that boasts of the famous Bridgehampton racetrack era, where Cobras wreaked havoc when it was still in operation, Westhampton drag strip, and the Riverhead oval; Even the site of the historic Vanderbilt Cup Races that started in 1905. Now, there are at least two organizations currently lobbying to construct and operate modern motorsport parks in Suffolk County; a state of the art Nascar-capable oval with a road course tweaked in, and F1 Boston is trying to get approval for an indoor/outdoor karting facility. This, plus beautiful back roads and interesting destinations, and at least a car show or two or three a week during the season is surely enough to fan the car-crazy flame.
I'm hoping our club will be light and easy, a good venue and resource for learning more about our cars, the people that build, maintain, and drive them, and an opportunity to enhance the fun and enjoyment we get out of this fantastic hobby. Perhaps we can start by sounding off then agreeing (possible?
) on an "event" that can be our first general meeting to create/update a database and outline a course of action.
Thanks Club Cobra!