Originally Posted by mylesdw
I'm sure you know a lot more about this than I, it was a rather flippant remark; I have no doubts about the strength of your bearing but feeding all the suspension forces as a cyclic bending force through the threaded portion of the bearing does make me wonder.
You are absolutely correct. The threaded bit is not at all optimum.
But the loads were considered and the threaded bit is adequate for the application as long as the chassis is subjected to loads below 25G's.
I really doubt that fatigue will become a problem with this joint as the teflon will cold flow and fail well before cyclic material failure occurs.
In other words, the joint will become loose and vibration will occur, hopefully prompting the driver to look into the reason for the above.
There are units out there with >50k miles and the joints are just like new.
I am amazed!!!!!!!!
Really!! You would think that the life would be much shorter.
But there you are.