Well, the motor should be here this week. So, I'm trying to collect all the do-dads I need to finish the car. One think I haven't been able to find is the blasted
I called Kirkham, and they don't have any for sale...maybe if you buy the whole car? I've called Finishline, and left a mesage. Called Southern Automotive, no dice. Called ERA, they tell me that they don't have any, and that their supplier isn't making any at the moment. Called MotorSports International, nobody picked up the telephone.
Who should I try next...Cobra Restorers? Other suggestions? Anybody know for sure who has them in stock, or wants to sell me theirs?
Are we on the cusp of a great PUKE TANK SHORTAGE? Is the federal government involved? What about Haliburton? Perhaps this is a business opportunity for some enterprising illegal ...aliens. I know I'd be willing to grant citizenship to some poor soul who'd make me a quality puke tank for a fair price, wouldn't you?