Hi Jim,
No problem, my interest in formalizing the club has the same objectives as any cobra enthusiast anyway. Comraderie and just learning about these cars and its heritage. To start, I'd like to get the dates and a short synopsis of the runs you mentioned, plus the gent-in-charge and his/her contact info. I'd like to put together some sort of general schedule, make a PDF and attach or post it here where people can refer to it. Then we can talk it up a week or so before the event. Having a club is nothing but getting together and agreeing on a name so we can represent ourselves as a unified group. It's the only way we can get the discounts, recognition, and just be able to negotiate or represent the group in larger bodies or groups where there could be some benefit to us. We don't need dues right now, if there is a need for something that requires funding, then we can talk about it.
Anyway, thanks for sounding off, I'd like to go to the track thing but road racing is my interest and quite frankly, I'm still intimidated by my Cobra's power and haven't really floored it yet. Maybe I'll drive up to spectate