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You shouldn't have a problem if your SPF was properly registered in the original state it was built (just my opinion, though).
The only problem I see is that both your registration and title say it is a 1965. It "probably" isn't a 1965. The MSO for your SPF should show the actual date of manufacture for the roller, and it was probably actually completed (with engine and trans) later. If the VIN listed on the title and registration for your SPF is actually from "another" scrapped/wrecked 1965 vehicle, you will have a problem, sooner or later...
The process I am referring to (NYS "custom" vehicle registration) is the only way to go if you are building/registering a newly completed cobra (SPF or otherwise) in NYS. Do it properly now, and you won't get "bit" later.
Jim Kellogg
Elmira, NY