Sure - do a drive by and let us know if you think 18 vehicles including two haulers would fit north of the scales. I'm not ruling out this spot. The CHP said he doubted there was enough room for us at the scales, and recommended the Crown Plaza lot as a nearby alternative.
Originally Posted by Zoom This
Twallerich...let me do a drive by of the scales first. As I recall, there's tons of room immediately north of the scales at this off ramp. Now if the CHP has set an edict that no one is allowed near the scales we'll need to comply. Last year when I went thru there, I recall that between the overpass and the scales could probably fit a dozen cars, at least. Now if there are trucks being pulled aside for CHP inspections, this may not be a good place to worm around in with all those 18 wheelers around. Comments?