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You are located in the Bay Area - nothing is cheap! Without seeing the condition of you car and understanding what your expectation are, no one can give you an estimate. If the Toyworks guy is going to come out and visit, that speaks volumes - as does the volume of cars (and condition) of Ken's cars. Make sure you know exactly what each bid entails - not just "paint the car" - primer, bondo, blocking, orange peel, removal (protection) of non-painted surfaces, number of coats of paint and clear, whose paint, etc. Any repair work or just paint?
Ask to see before and after pictures and talk to customers who have had similar work done.
Onefastmustang - you are getting an entire paint job (from scratch) - sounds like mhcson is looking to blend paint/colors. Very different process and associated cost. You are also willing to go to Ken's, he may not be.